Loofah fungus
Loofah fungus
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Loofah fungus
At Coastal, we use first and foremost the loofah fungus as a sEABER HOLDER so the water can run away from the soap bar. This allows the soap to dry between use, which makes it last longer and you get the most out of the product. In addition, the fungus can also be used for exfoliation, washing up or cleaning.
Loofah is a natural sponge and derives from a plant in the cucumber family. When still young, the fruit can be eaten, but when it is matured full, it turns into a hard and fiber -rich mass.
We use loofah as an environmentally friendly solution that is free of microplastics, incredibly durable and of course biodegradable. Since Loofah is a natural product, size and appearance can vary slightly.
Læg din sæbe bar på loofah svampen og lad baren tørre helt inden næste brug. Læg din loofah svamp i opvaskemaskinen når den trænger til at blive gjort rent, så er den så god som ny igen. Kan minimum vaskes tre gange.
Loofah er en natursvamp og stammer fra en plante i agurkefamilien. Når den stadig er ung, kan frugten spises, men når det er modnet fuldt, bliver den til en hård og fiberrig masse.

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